SKATE TO EXCEL offers the following Coach Development services to coaches, conferences, development seminars, or minor hockey associations:
Coach Mentorship
Seasonal plan development, practice evaluation, game evaluation, and more
Coach Development Clinics
These clinics are 2 to 3 hours in length, consisting of 1 to 2 hours
in-class and 1 hour on-ice. Specific themes (skating, creating offence, puck protection, defensive skills, and more)
These Coach Development services are best utilized to develop/refine a Coach’s ability to teach Technical Skills, Individual Tactics, or Team Tactics; through technical and corrective exercises, game applicable drills, and Small Area Games. Coach Development services can address one or more of the following themed skill development areas:
Position Specific
Developing/Refining detailed skills related to a specific position. These sessions are suggested for older athletes who have a solid foundation of skills to build from
Stride work, Edgework, Balance, Agility (Acceleration, Escapes, Turns, Transitions, Stops, Starts), etc.
Range of Motion, Puck-protection, Deekes, Fakes, etc.
Proper technique, Back-foot shooting, Front-foot shooting, Shooting in Stride, Deceptive shooting, Wrist shot, Snap shot, Slap shot,
One-timers, etc.
Proper technique, Forehand passes, Backhand passes, Saucer passes, Passing lanes, Pass reception, Pass reception in motion, etc.
Please email for pricing and further information.